Keeping It Currant: June 2024

Welcome to the June issue of Keeping It Currant, a newsletter by Social Currant & Girl and the Gov® focused on sharing insights on how to navigate the intersection of the creator economy and the political and social impact space. This issue includes:

  • Can’t miss events at VidCon

  • Virtual creator briefings that’ll up your creator game

  • Trends to try across platforms

  • Tips n’ tricks for networking as a political creator

  • Details on getting credentials for the DNC

…and much more. Dive into it all below – and pop in and say hi in the Social Currant creator-dedicated Slack channel, here.


Upcoming creator events to add to your cal


About: ​​Marking Social Currant’s ninth creator briefing, this edition of the monthly series where the focus is on the intersections between the creator space and the impact space, this briefing will put a spotlight on how you can tap into the SC ecosystem. Join the team virtually to learn more about upcoming campaigns and  best practices around working with mission driven organizations.

When: July 1, 2024; 3:00-3:45pm EST

Where: Virtual; Zoom

SC CREATOR BRIEFING: BRINGING HOPE TO AN UNCERTAIN TIMEAbout: ​​​This briefing will be hosted with Brian Derrick, creator & founder of Oath, and focus on bringing optimism and an intentional strategy to pushing for positive change during this uncertain time. 

When: July 9, 2024; 4:00-4:45pm EST

Where: Virtual; Zoom


About: ​​​This briefing by Community Change Action and the Service Bureau will be focused on how to use your platform for good and will share resources for your audience when breaking news moments arise.

When: July 18, 2024; 4:00-4:45pm EST

Where: Virtual; Zoom


Attending? Make sure to stop by these panels & events


About: Mix, mingle, and network at the Social Currant x Trending Up Happy Hour. 

When: June 27, 2024; 7:00pm PDT

Where: Details by request.


About: Join Social Currant’s Ellie Artone, Jay Torrez, Chante Reddest, and Ariana Jasmine in Room 202 for a panel on how creators can use their platform for good.

When: June 28, 2024; 10:00-10:45am PDT

Where: Room 202 @ VidCon


About: Join Social Currant’s Vidyut Ghuwalewala, Wells Douraghy [July], Cassie Saddlemire [IZEA], Daniel Daks [Palette MGMT], and Neal Jean [Beacons] in Ballroom D for a discussion on where the creator economy is at and where it’s going.

When: June 28, 2024; 4:15-4:55pm PDT

Where: Ballroom D @ VidCon

When content trends meet political topics – The latest concepts to try


About: This audio, which comes from this viral video, is the viral ‘who shot up the Taco Bell’ audio. It’s being used by creators to point fingers at someone or something for an action that they’ve taken.

What this can be used for: The applications can be political in nature, specifically cause and effect dynamics that creators want to bring attention to. Examples include: ‘who blocked a bill,’ ‘who helped prevent a supermajority in a state leg,’ ‘who passed worker protections for new parents.’ 


About: Using this portion of the Sabrina Carpenter audio, creators are sharing a moment or situation in which they do NOT want to be proven correct. And, no not because being right isn’t fun, but because if they’re proven correct, what they’re correct about sucks. 

What this can be used for: The audio can be used a few different ways, including to create a video that directs followers to a call to action – one that will prevent the creator from being disappointed because the action was taken. It could be voting, calling reps on an issue, telling a friend about a candidate, etc.


About: Shoutout Justin Timberlake for his karma in action for giving us the pop culture phrase and social trend of the moment. His retort ‘this is going to ruin the world tour’ can be used to highlight a happening or happenings that could ultimately ruin something good. 

What this can be used for: This can be used for videos, but especially works well for Instagram carousel posts, X, and Threads in showcasing actions or lack thereof that can ‘ruin the world tour.’


Something to save, something to use

  • Shopify’s TikTok Bio Tips → Want to freshen up your bio and not sure where to get a bit of inspo to do so? Pop open this set of tips and ideas from Shopify as you brainstorm.

  • Sprout Socials’ Guide to Building a Snapchat Influencer Program → If you’ve curious about how to leverage influencers on Snapchat and haven’t quite taken the plunge, take a read through this snapshot on how to build out a comprehensive and strategic program to hit your top metrics. 

  • Creator Upload Podcast → For insights on all-things mega-creators and interviews with those creators on their experiences building out their platforms, add the Creator Upload Podcast to your queue. 


Get credentialed

The Democratic National Convention Committee announced late last week that they will be credentialing creators – providing those approved with press-level access – at the 2024 Democratic National Convention in Chicago. If covering the convention is of interest to you, your followers, and your election szn content plan, send an email to [email protected] to learn more about the credentialing process.


News at a glance from ‘round the creator sphere

  • Wall Street Journal: Social-Media Influencers Aren’t Getting Rich–They’re Barely Getting By

  • Social Media Today: TikTok Launches New Image Sharing App Called Whee

  • VentureBeat: ElevenLabs unveils open-source creator tool for adding sound effects to videos

  • CBS: New York Gov. Kathy Hochul signs bill targeting addictive social media platforms


Six RuPaul’s Drag Race Stars Launch PAC

It’s a hot PAC summer [and BRAT summer, dw] with the launch of Drag PAC, the first ever political action committee led by legendary drags queens, all veterans of RuPaul’s Drag Race – Alaska, BenDeLaCreme, Jinkx Monsoon, Monét X Change, Peppermint and William. The PAC will focus on mobilizing, educating, and engaging Gen-Z voters, with the ultimate goal of getting young people to the ballot box. To get all of the tea, to get involved, and to spread the word about this star studded fight for democracy, sashay away to their website here.


Little ways to get the message out

To get your message out there – and to ensure your message is understood – bake it into these two post pillars:

Audio: For videos where you’re speaking and/or creating an original audio, label the audio with your intended message i.e. the thesis of the video. It can be a call to action, a statement, a directive, and so on. The goal is for anyone that goes to explore that audio or use it themselves, for those viewers to be tapped into the message – and if it’s an action, to do it. 

Locations: Think strategically about this piece of a post. Can a location further share the post’s message? Do a search and see if there’s an existing location tag that either ties in directly with the video’s message or connects in a way that plays to the broader context of the post. Thoughtful location tags and ads are like social media extra credit — they don’t hurt, they just level up.


A mini playbook for making inroads in the political professional sphere

There are two things that never go out of style – coffee meetings and thank you notes, which are both core to successfully expanding your political network. While both can take on different flavors and forms, these are some go-to tips to keep in mind:

  • Meeting Length: Keep meetings to 30 minutes. This ensures that you’re respecting the other person’s busy schedule. It also opens the door for a “need” for a follow up meeting.

  • Location: In-person meetings are >>> virtual. However, not being able to meet up IRL shouldn’t stop you. A Zoom or GoogleMeet can be used to host a virtual coffee – and even let you chat sans caffeine and with a few saved dollars in your pocket.

  • Scheduling: Before reaching out, get a grasp of when their busy versus slow season might be. For example, if you’re reaching out to a staffer on the hill during appropriations when they’re beyond busy, it’s going to be harder to get a meeting on the calendar, as opposed to when they’re in recess and WFH. It’s not a perfect art, but something to keep in mind if you want to increase your chances of getting a meeting in the books.

  • Agenda: Even if you end up not using them – putting together 3-5 questions that you’d like to make sure you ask during your chat is helpful in orienting the meeting. You don’t need to send them to the other person or a formal agenda, but they can be in your notes to help you keep the chat on track. If the conversation finds itself in a totally different topic, that’s fine too.

  • Follow-up: And this is where the thank you notes come in. After a meeting, send a follow up note including a ‘thank you.’ Include a related tidbit or further piece of insight from your conversation in your note to well, continue the conversation.


The BTS with creators that have knocked it out of the park

Meet Barrie Rose. Barrie produces advocacy and social justice comedic skits centered on political issues to both educate and entertain audiences. Throughout 2022-2023, they collaborated with organizations such as Ohio Women's Alliance, Ohioans United for Reproductive Rights, and Majority Forward. In 2023, they co-founded Queer Hangouts, a patron-supported program, where they visit LGBTQ+ clubs at schools in Ohio to encourage queer youth and teachers. 

Follow Barrie on TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube.

What's something you wish someone told you before starting to make content? 

“Something helpful that I wish someone had told me before making content, would be to post as consistently as possible. In doing this, you’re able to gradually grow and improve and learn what works for you. Also, finding your own authentic voice and style happens through the actual MAKING OF VIDEOS and not overthinking it before starting.”

Why is making political content so important to you? 

“Politics affects our daily lives, rights, and accessibility as humans in this country. I realized that if I’m going to have a platform, I need to use my voice and artistry to create positive change in the world. I feel that my current mission is to communicate important messages that are sometimes dense and complex, in a way that is simplified, playful and light-hearted- so people can learn something or get inspired in some way.”

How do you get ideas for content? What does this process look like for you? 

“I get content ideas in a few different ways. Sometimes it’s my lived experiences, or a story I’ve heard someone else tell, that I’ll form into a cohesive narrative. Sometimes I get ideas from reading articles or briefs where some bit of information stands out and I have to think “who are the people that would be affected and what is a story that relates to this.”

What tips would you give to a creator on engaging with their community? What about building a community? 

“I think when you post or talk about things you’re passionate about, and share in a natural and authentic way, you’ll attract people who also resonate with those things. When you have a smaller channel and are growing, it’s easier to reply to all your dm’s or respond to comments, which is directly engaging and appreciating the people that are in your community. I’m trying to connect with other creators currently, so I think it is really great that Social Currant is doing a lot to facilitate spaces for that.” 

What drew you to the niche that you’re in? 

“I originally started making LGBTQ+ content because I was having hard conversations with my family after I came out as nonbinary. I made some TikTok videos to make light of those and bring value in some way. However, now I’ve expanded to talk about more things that I’m passionate about, like reproductive rights, democracy, and social justice work because I think my audience is progressive and wants positive change as well.” 


New capabilities loading…

LTK → The creator-to-consumer app for, LTK has upped its game with this new direct message feature. The capability enables creators to share pre-set messages with their followers who share interest in purchasing LTK-linked items and comment ‘Shop’ in the creator’s post. The follower then receives a DM ‘from the creator’ with a direct link to the item that they’re interested in purchasing. The idea is to make it easier to shop a creator’s links.

Instagram → The platform is providing a new possibility for livestreams with the rollout of a capability that allows for users to conduct a Live just to their Close Friends list. The feature may be of interest for creators who want to develop a more exclusive or segmented content – not to mention, that it could be used to tease upcoming news or launches with media, other creators, orgs, and more. Ditch the meeting, join the Close Friends Live.

YouTube → The platform is giving creators an A/B testing capability for thumbnails, allowing creators to see what performs best. YouTube is dubbing this new feature ‘Thumbnail Test & Compare,’ and has started rolling it out to a select group of creators. What’s also to note, is that the feature will flag the best performing thumbnail and select that as the winner. Otherwise, based on watch time, it may also share a preferred option. Creators aren’t locked into the selections of flags however and can still manually select their desired thumbnail regardless.


Share your thoughts on being a creator with this survey

ATTN: Creators, researchers at Stanford University [yes, that one in California] are examining what it’s like to be a creator and plan to analyze experiences shared with them through a survey. For those interested in sharing their thoughts with the researchers, here are the quick details:

  • The survey is completely confidential. 

  • The survey will take approximately three minutes to complete.

  • All participants will have the opportunity to enter a raffle to receive one of four $50 gift cards.

  • To participate, complete the survey by July 10, 2024.


Upcoming and current paid campaigns, available now. See one that’s of interest? Fill out this form and we’ll get in touch with details. Please note, if you’re a talent agent we’ll be in touch with a talent agency specific form – just respond to this email!

Campaign Focus → Voting as a Social Determinant of Health

Date Available: Now through July 15, 2024

Campaign Goal: To partner with creators that work in the healthcare space to raise awareness of how they can help their patients get registered to vote and to discuss the health benefits of voting.

Location Requirement: United States

Campaign Focus → Holding Oil Companies Accountable

Date Available: Now through July 15, 2024

Campaign Goal: To partner with BIPOC creators + native Spanish speakers to raise awareness of what oil companies are doing that harms the environment and to hold them accountable for their actions against the planet.

Location Requirement: Arizona, California, Florida, New York, Texas, Michigan, Vermont, Virginia, Pennsylvania

Campaign Focus → AAPI San Francisco Bay Area Campaign

Date Available: Now through July 12, 2024

Campaign Goal: To partner with micro and mid-sized creators to attend and promote an art exhibition in the Bay Area that celebrates empathy, interconnectedness, and cross-racial solidarity.

Location Requirement: San Francisco, CA / Bay Area

Campaign Focus → Voter Registration Focused on the Latino Community

Date Available: Now through September 2024

Campaign Goal: To work in partnership with Latino creators to share voter registration information and motivate people to show up to the polls in November. Transparency note: The NC and CO campaigns specifically will also discuss reproductive justice

Location Requirement: Arizona, Nevada, Texas, North Carolina, Colorado


Stop by and say hi!